
What Order Do I Adjust My Water?

Alkalinity first, then Bromine or Chlorine and finally adjust your pH. If you are unsure how to test your water or need some help figuring it all out just come...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Do I Take Care of My Cover?

Did you know that your pool and hot tub cover can be a good indicator of water care? If your covers are wearing badly it could be caused by improperly...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Much Sanitizer Do I Need?

When deciding how best to treat your hot tub, keep in mind that on average 1 person will use up 1ppm of Chlorine or Bromine in just 15 minutes. If...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

Why Is My Water So Foamy?

A common question we get asked relates to bubbles or foam in the hot tub. Foam can be caused by a number of water balance issues but it can also...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

Why is My Water So Gross?

All of these problems can be solved! A healthy pool or hot tub requires proper Filtration, Circulation and Sanitization to keep it and you happy. Our in-store water care experts...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Do I Get My Hot Tub Ready for Winter?

Now is the ideal time to head out to your hot tub and take a look at all the equipment to make sure everything is running optimally. Check for any...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Do I Save Money on Filters?

Use a reusable filter. For best results, rinse your reusable filter under water once a week, and then soak it in a filter cleaner once a month. Depending on use...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires