
How Do I Get Rid of Scum?

If you are tired of foamy water or scuzzy scum lines it might be time to consider a Hydro Mop or Scum Bug for your Hot Tub. Our swim suits...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

Can I Drain My Hot Tub for the Summer?

This time of year we have a number of people coming in and asking about draining their hot tubs for the summer. Personally, I like to just drop the temperature...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Does the Sun Affect Pool Chlorine?

Pools, of course, need chlorine to kill algae and bacteria. Without it, the water would turn green, cloudy and would be unhealthy to swim in. That's the last thing you...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Can I Use Less Chemicals in my Pool or Hot Tub?

Our priority is your families safety. We want to ensure you understand how to safely use less chemical but still maintain clean bacteria-free water in your pool or hot tub....

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

How Do I Rid My Water Of Impurities?

Did you know that our tap water contains impurities such as: copper, iron, calcium, sodium and other deposits? All of these can be harmful to yourself, your spa, and make...

On by Ron Schellenberg 0 commentaires

Is a Hot Tub Good for my Health?

From simply relieving stress, to helping you sleep and relieving muscle pain, there are so many ways that soaking in your hot tub can be great for your health. We've...

On by Ty Foreman 0 commentaires